Thursday, March 28, 2013

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone! The past six months that I have been your son/daughter's English teacher have been a lot of fun. I will miss everyone but we will keep in touch. Mrs. Burke is an amazing teacher and she will make this transition as smooth as possible.

Thank you all for everything and I hope to see you all soon!

Miss Hodgins

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Today Mrs. Burke visited the class and she was very excited to see everyone! We continued our work on Addition and Subtraction as well as our unit on Mass, Capacity, and Volume.

Tomorrow afternoon, we will be gathering in the gym at 1:20 for the Stations of the Cross.

Signs of Spring Photo Contest

Have a fabulous evening everyone!

Miss Hodgins

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today we worked on the following Math problem in pairs:

Sarah plans to sell cookies. She bought the ingredients listed in the chart. She baked 40 cookies. Calculate Sarah’s profit if she sold each cookie for 50¢.
Chocolate Chips
This was a challenging problem for most students because it is a multi-step problem and involved the use of different operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication - if they chose). In addition, students were not permitted to use calculators. If you would like to challenge your child at home, these are the types of problems we are doing in class. We will be working on more addition and subtraction questions tomorrow in class. Students will most likely have homework tomorrow night since we have library and Religion tomorrow afternoon.

Have a great evening and enjoy the lovely weather!

Miss Hodgins

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sorry for the delayed post today! I had an appointment after school today so I had to run.

Today a letter from Mr. Santos was sent home stating that my last day as your son/daughter's teacher will be this Thursday. Should you have any questions of concerns please contact either myself or Mr. Santos.

Scholastic orders were due today but if you would still like to submit an order I will accept them this week but you will not receive your item(s) before Easter.

Today most students were able to present their advertisement for Sploosh. Great job everyone! I am very impressed with the level of thought and creativity that went into your presentations!

Have a great night!

Miss Hodgins

Friday, March 22, 2013

Today we did the Harlem Shake (Sens Edition)! Great job everyone! 

Since this assembly took most of third block we had to do our Math work during last block. Unfortunately, this meant that we did not have time to do Fun Friday today (I think the Harlem Shake makes up for this though). We did explore more with capacity and volume today by measuring how much water different containers could hold and how many cubes made up a figure.

Reminder that Scholastic Orders are due back on Monday. Also, the advertisement assignment is due Monday.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Miss Hodgins